CH Greyhaven Holly



Holly winning her first Major at just 13 months old.

Holly was bred by Marilyn Polsfuss (Greyhaven Borzoi) and Wayne Miller (Insight Borzoi). Her flowing curves combined with sound movement and gorgeous coat have made her the foundation upon which we are building our future. Holly's sire and dam are both top producers, and she is the only bitch from an all Champion litter of eight that includes multiple Specialty, Specialty Reserve and Sweepstakes winners.  

Holly finished with 3 Majors, and her show career includes BOS in Sweeps at the Midwest Borzoi Club Specialty and BOS at the Greater Twin Cities Borzoi Club Specialty. She also made the cut at two Borzoi Club of America National Specialties.

Holly with some of her  littermates: 
Ch Greyhaven Sequoia, 
Ch Greyhaven Ebony, Ch Greyhaven Cypress 
and Ch Greyhaven Teak. 
Missing: Ch Greyhaven Mahogany Trinrose, 
Ch Greyhaven Silver Birches and 
Ch Greyhaven Spruce Goose. 

Holly is OFA Hips excellent, OFA Thyroid normal, OFA Cardiac normal and CERF clear.

Looking good at 12; Holly takes Best Veteran in Sweeps under Dorreen Carlstad, Regius Borzoi. 

Wow! What a weekend! At 11 years old, Holly takes BOB at the GTCBC Specialty and Best in Veteran Sweeps! Her daughter Gala follows in her paw prints by taking an AOM. Holly then repeats her winning ways by taking BOB at the BCOA TSE that weekend, 
along with a BOS in Veteran Sweeps. 

BOB GTCBC Specialty under Breeder Judge Lena Tamboer (Tamboer)

Best in Veteran Sweeps under Breeder Judge Susan Sills (Ontime)

BOB BCOA TSE under Breeder Judge Nitsa Trayler (Elias)

Best of Opposite in Veteran Sweeps under long time Borzoi fancier 
Judge Betsy Liberato (Stealth)

 Holly takes 1st in the 10+ Veteran Sweeps class at the 2005 BCOA National Specialty under breeder judge Carol Kubiak-Zamora (Phaedra)

She's still got it! 
Holly was Best in Veteran Sweeps at 10 1/2 years young at the Potomac Valley Borzoi Club Specialty under 
breeder judge Kathy Wright (Kajai).

HHoHHolly was Best in Veteran Sweeps at the BCOA TSE with the Middleburg KC, under Whippet breeder
 Mary Ann Clark. 

Holly was BOS in Veteran Sweeps at the Greater Twin Cities Borzoi Club Specialty under breeder judge K.C.Artley (Tahoe).


Holly received one of  two Award's of Merit 
under sighthound judge Lt. Col. Wallace Pede at the Greater Twin Cities Borzoi Club Specialty 
after winning the Veteran Bitch class. 

holly_veteran_gtcbc.jpg (33574 bytes)

To keep it all in the family, Holly's daughter 
Ch Hvala The Time Of Your Life took BOS at the same Specialty! 

 GTCBC Gala - Holly - 06-2001.jpg (24165 bytes)

HoHolly - Re-done.jpg (34312 bytes)         

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